Captured content editing

Navigating between screenshots
Screenshots adding/deleting
Screenshots restoring
Mouse cursor position changing
Mouse clicks adding/removing
Mouse cursor motion path tracing
Screen duration setting
Timeline's frame duration changing
All movie duration changing

Navigating between screenshots
Use navigation commands to look trough all captured screenshots and make sure if recorded content fits your needs.

Navigate from toolbar

You can use Toolbar's navigation buttons to go to next/previous screenshot. Also, you can quickly go to any screen using a slider control.

Navigate using timeline
You can go to any screen you want by clicking on the corresponding timeline area.

Information about currently visible screen's ordinal number and all screens count is placed on the toolbar.

Screenshots adding/deleting

Copy of screen adding
You can add the copy of current screenshot using the command "Add copy of screen" from menu Edit or by clicking the corresponding button on the Toolbar. New screen will be added after the current screen.

Screenshot deleting
You can delete current screen using the command "Delete" or "Delete all" (for all screenshots) from menu Edit or by clicking on the corresponding button on the Toolbar.

Screenshots will not be deleted physically, but moved to the dustbin.

Screenshots restoring
You can view the list of screenshots placed into the dustbin using a command "Show dustbin" from menu Edit or by clicking the corresponding button on the Toolbar.

When you select any of the screenshot in this list, it will be displayed inside the Recorder.

  • To restore selected screenshot from the dustbin click the button "Restore".
  • To completely delete the screenshot click the button "Delete" or "Delete All".

    Note. If the dustbin is not empty, information about all screenshots count that is displayed inside the Toolbar and inside the Status bar will be different.
    - current screen's ordinal number / count of non-deleted screenshots
    - current screen's number (label on the timeline) / count of all screenshots (including deleted)

    Mouse cursor position changing
    You can correct selected mouse cursor position by mouse Drag and Drop operation or by pressing keys "Up", "Down", "Left", "Right".

    Mouse clicks adding/removing
    You can add/remove mouse click/doubleclick by the corresponding buttons on the Toolbar or using commands "Add mouse click", "Add double mouse click", "Remove mouse click" from menu Edit.
    Also you can change existing single mouse click to double and vice versa.

    Mouse click sign is stuck to the final point of mouse motion, so you can change click location only by changing location of final point.

    Mouse cursor motion path tracing
    By default Recorder treats mouse motions as linear and non-traceable.
    Visually it is shown as a line between starting point of mouse cursor and its final point. The length of line's dash characterizes the speed of mouse motion.

    You can change settings of mouse tracing using the command "Mouse track settings" from menu Edit.
    A dialog "Mouse tracing settings" will be opened.

    In this dialog you can set next parameters:
  • Trace type (linear or loop)
  • Flag that defines if the path of mouse motion should be traced
  • Width of the tracing line
  • Color of the tracing line
  • Transparency of the tracing line
  • Flag that defines if track has fading tail
  • Length of the fading tail

    Traceable mouse motions have the special mark near itself.

    Note. You cannot change the cursor's position directly for the mouse motion of "loop" type. But you can do it indirectly by location and size of the "loop" line changing.

    Note. Mouse tracing with fading tail essentially increases the size of generated Flash Movie.

    Screen duration setting
    You can define the screen's duration time using the command "Set screen's duration" from menu Edit or by clicking the corresponding button on Toolbar.

    You can set equal duration time for all captured screenshots by selecting the corresponding checkbox in the dialog.

    Also, you can set duration time for screenshot and for motion of mouse cursor by using the slider on the timeline.

    Timeline's frame duration changing
    You can change the duration of timeline's frame by setting the count of frames per second in the dialog that can be opened by clicking on down arrow image on the timeline's "fps" panel.

    Note. Count of frames per second is an essential parameter for mouse cursor motion. Bigger count of frames per second, smoother cursor motion.
    But keep in mind also that bigger count of frames per second leads to bigger Flash Movie file size.

    All movie duration changing
    To decrease all movie duration use the command "Speed up" from menu Edit or click the corresponding button on the Toolbar.
    This operation leads to increasing of playing speed of generated Flash Movie.

    To increase all movie duration use the command "Speed down" from menu Edit or click the corresponding button on the Toolbar.
    This operation leads to decreasing of playing speed of generated Flash Movie.

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